Research Cooperation between Yarmouk and the Irish Trinity Faculty of Dublin


Discussing possible ways of academic cooperation, the President of Yarmouk University, Professor Islam Massad, met with a delegation from the Irish Trinity College of Dublin represented by the Vice President for Global Engagement, Professor Emma Stokes, Dr. Zuleika Rodgers from the School of Languages, and Leo McNamee, the International Partnerships Manager. At the beginning of the meeting, Massad affirmed Yarmouk's keenness to have scientific and academic cooperation with prestigious international universities, which provides the opportunity for students to complete their studies in various disciplines and for faculty members at the university to benefit from the experiences, knowledge, and cultures of other countries. He then stressed the readiness of Yarmouk to receive Trinity College students who are willing to learn the Arabic language through the program of Arabic for Speakers of Other Languages ​​ at the University’s Languages Center.

For her part, Stokes said that Yarmouk is the best educational destination for students willing to learn the Arabic language, emphasizing that Trinity College offers a program in Middle Eastern studies that includes the Arabic Language. She also affirmed Trinity's readiness for further cooperation in various academic and research fields, calling for the exchange of scientific visits and participation in seminars and conferences between the two sides.

The preparation of scientific competencies in various fields of knowledge, and the production of innovative scientific research aims to serve society by providing exemplary education in an intellectually stimulating university environment.

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