Two Training Diploma Programs in Applied Translation and Teaching Arabic for Non-Native speakers

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The Board of Directors of Queen Rania Center for Jordanian Studies and Community Service at Yarmouk University decided to offer two training diploma programs: the first is in the field of teaching Arabic for non-native speakers in cooperation with the Languages Center at the university, and the second is in the field of applied translation in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts.

The Director of the Center, Dr. Yazan Shboul, said that launching such programs copes with the university’s policy and the center’s vision, which aim at investing the university’s scientific and practical capabilities to serve the local community and university students, developing human resources, raising the level of individual efficiency and productivity at work, and providing the public and private sectors with qualified and trained cadres.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor Musa Rababaa, confirmed that the Applied Translation Diploma is designed by specialists in the translation department at the faculty and that it focuses on the several practices of translation, which provides students with the practical skills that qualify them to succeed in the labor market.

In her turn, the Director of the Languages Center, Professor Lamia Hammad, confirmed that the training diploma in teaching Arabic for non-native speakers is designed by the specialized staff of the Languages Center, noting that the diploma requires studying for nine months and that it covers the practical aspects of several topics, including Arabic linguistics, applied linguistics, teaching Arabic for non-native speakers, and the Arabic language for special purposes.

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