The President of the University, Professor Islam Massad, participated in the graduation ceremony of the 14th and 15th batches of Oman College of Management and Technology, which is linked with Yarmouk University through an academic affiliation agreement. During his speech at the graduation ceremony, which was sponsored by the Undersecretary of the Omani Ministry of Economy, Dr. Nasser bin Rashid al-Maawali, Massad stressed that the constructive cooperation between Yarmouk University and the Oman College of Management and Technology is a great beginning for multiple, diverse and extended academic relations. He added that Yarmouk University views Oman College of Management and Technology with much appreciation and pride, considering its academic and administrative development as well as financial stability. Massad then pointed out that Yarmouk is constantly seeking to find a creative educational system that can face challenges and preserve the identity of society, declaring that the graduates represent a great piece of evidence concerning the productivity of the academic cooperation between the two parties.
The President of Yarmouk University, Prof. Islam Massad, its faculty and administrative staff, and its students are honored to express their sincere congratulations to his Majesty King Abdullah II on the occasion of his birthday. Yarmouk community asks God to preserve His Majesty's health and wellness, and to perpetuate our beloved country.
Within the framework of Yarmouk University’s keenness to participate in various research and scientific conferences, the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Professor Adam Noah al-Qudah, and Dr. Muhammad Mahmoud Talafha participated through zoom in an international symposium organized by Ibn Zohr University in Morocco over the past two days on "The Maliki Jurisprudence Center in Contemporary Legislation". With the participation of several researchers from across the world, al-Qudah presented a research paper titled "The Impact of Maliki Jurisprudence on the Jordanian Civil Law" and Talafha’s research paper was entitled "The Impact of Maliki Jurisprudence on the Demand for Endowment".
The President of Yarmouk University, Professor Islam Massad, discussed with the Sultanate of Oman’s ambassador to Amman, Sheikh Hilal bin Marhoon bin Salem al-Maamari, aspects of enhancing the academic and scientific cooperation between Yarmouk and Omani universities and institutions. During his visit to the embassy and meeting with Ambassador al-Maamari, Massad stated that Yarmouk University is proud of the relations built and consolidated with various academic institutions in the Sultanate of Oman, stressing the university's aspiration to strengthen such relations and expand partnerships for the benefit and common interests of the two parties. He then noted that about 2,184 Omani students have graduated from Yarmouk University from various faculties and academic programs during past years.
For his part, Sheikh al-Maamari expressed his happiness with the visit, praising the great and distinguished reputation of the various Jordanian higher education institutions in general, Yarmouk University in particular. He then stressed that the Omani embassy is looking forward to deepening cooperation with Yarmouk University as it offers several graduate specializations and programs needed by Omani students and the labor market. He also noted that the embassy seeks to send its students to various Jordanian universities throughout the governorates of the Kingdom.
The President of Yarmouk University, Professor Islam Massad, and the head of the Executive Office of the Irbid, the Arab Capital of Culture for 2022, Mr. Munther al-Bataineh, signed a memorandum of understanding aiming at declaring the national responsibility for celebrating Irbid as the Arab capital of culture 2022, advancing Jordanian cultural affairs, and highlighting the true cultural image of Jordan before local, Arab, and international communities. The memorandum stipulates that Yarmouk University submits to the celebration’s Executive Office a plan of participation in the activities of celebrating Irbid as the Arab Capital of Culture 2022 by getting involved in several events and activities (i.e. meetings, seminars, lectures, exhibitions, workshops, and conferences). It also stipulates that Yarmouk University allows the Executive Office of the celebration to use the halls, facilities, buildings, and courtyards of the university to hold some events and activities. In addition, it stipulates that the University allows its administrators, faculty members, and students to participate in the committees emanating from the Executive Office or in the managing, organizing, and implementing the celebration’s activities and events. Moreover, the memorandum stipulates that the University sets the slogan “Irbid Celebration, the Arab Capital of Culture” on the correspondence of its scientific chairs and the University’s website throughout 2022, while the Executive Office of the celebration sets the logo of Yarmouk University on all documents and advertisements associated with the celebration.
Elaborating on this, Massad pointed out the significant contribution of Yarmouk University through its various faculties, departments, and human cadres, to support the plan of celebrating Irbid as the Arab capital of culture for the year 2022. He explained that Yarmouk University, as a member of the Supreme National Committee for the activities of Irbid City, view the success of celebrating Irbid as a priority, as the university occupies a prominent cultural and academic position at the level of the governorate as well as entire country. He also emphasized that Yarmouk University offers all its logistics and capabilities, including halls, auditoriums, theaters, and cadres to serve conducting the celebration activities and organizing the related events.
For his part, al-Batayneh valued the role of Yarmouk University in serving the higher education sector at the level of Irbid Governorate and the Kingdom in general, acknowledging its distinguished outputs, competencies, and leaders in various fields, sciences and knowledge. He also pointed out that the City of Irbid has always been mutually associated with Yarmouk University, which always results in successful cultural, intellectual, and societal achievements and developments.
Noteworthy here is that the signing of the memo was attended by the Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Professor Riyad al-Momani, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor Musa Al-Rababah, the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dr. Wael Haddad, the holder of the Arar Chair for Cultural and Literary Studies, Dr. Nabil Haddad, and the Director of Public Relations and Media, Dr. Nawzat Abu Al-Asal.
The Board of Directors of Queen Rania Center for Jordanian Studies and Community Service at Yarmouk University announced launching a training diploma program in television digital media in cooperation with the Faculty of Mass Communication. The Director of the Center, Dr. Yazan al-Shboul, said that the program aims at providing the trainees with the skills of producing and photographing digital television content, refining the trainees with the skills and techniques of television and digital photography, and qualifying the trainees to master the skills of electronic montage, recording and voice commentary, in addition to graphic and infographic design, producing television and digital media content for influential content makers, and qualifying the trainees to prepare campaigns and digital television media programs.
Al-Shaboul pointed out that the graduate, after passing prescribed exams, will be awarded a certificate issued by Yarmouk University and approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, noting that students who either succeed or fail high school and who wish to work in this field will get accepted.
In collaboration with the Canadian fund to support local initiatives funded by the Canadian Embassy in Amman, Yarmouk University has completed the training of the second group of participants in the program "Enhancing the Participation of Female Academics in Leading Internationally Funded Projects", which is the first international activity for the network "She Leads".
The training was organized in two phases over a period of six days. The first phase was carried out by Reem Bseisu in the seminar and conference building at the university during January 18-19, 2022, and it emphasized the skills of writing proposals for internationally funded projects, how funding can be obtained, and other related issues. The second phase was carried out by Majdy Mustafa at the Dead Sea during January 26-29, 2022, emphasizing the leadership of international projects: planning, following-up, and evaluation.
The project team consists of Dr. Ayat Nashwan, head of the Department of Sociology and Social Service at the Faculty of Arts, as the project manager and Hiyam al-Khatib, a researcher at the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center, as the project coordinator.
The Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts organized a symposium via visual communication celebrating the International Day of the Arabic Language, with the participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor Mousa Rabab’a, Dr. Samir Estitia, Dr. Abd Alqader al-Rabai’ and Dr. Qasem al-Momani, and Dr. Mustafa al-Hayadra.
The participants shed light on the potential of the Arabic language and its position among world languages , emphasizing the ways to advance Arabic to keep pace with current developments. However, the symposium closed with a poem delivered by Istitia celebrating some aesthetics of Arabic.
Yarmouk University represented by the Refugees, Displaced Persons, and Forced Migration Studies Center, participated as a partner in the First International Scientific Conference on Migration and Asylum entitled “Migration and Asylum in the Arab Region Reality - Challenges - Solutions”, which was organized by Sana’a University in Yemen. The conference, which was held over the past two days in-person and online discussed policies, legislation, and official procedures related to migration and asylum in the Arab region, trying to diagnose the effects and repercussions of migration and asylum on the host Arab countries and the region in general.
The Director of the Center, Dr. Reem Al-Kharouf, confirmed through her online participation that Jordan has welcomed every single individual migrating from his/her homeland in search of safety and stability, thus providing refugees with safety and supporting the vulnerable. She then explained that the center, which was established in 1997 at Yarmouk University, functions as a national and regional platform for researching refugee issues, trying to serve and support them based on national interests and concerns. She also pointed out the importance of building new partnerships between researchers and institutions concerning this issue, confirming the center’s readiness to share experiences, partnerships, logistical, and research capabilities.
Noteworthy is that this conference was attended by 61 researchers from 11 countries who discussed in their research papers 11 axes related to various asylum issues, such as policies, legislation, rights and duties, causes and effects of migration, asylum and displacement on countries, effects of global epidemics, wars and crises, ways of integrating refugees into host societies, and challenges facing governments as well as local and international organizations, towards such categories of people.
The preparation of scientific competencies in various fields of knowledge, and the production of innovative scientific research aims to serve society by providing exemplary education in an intellectually stimulating university environment.