Yarmouk Launches the APSOL Platform for Teaching Arabic Language to Non-Native Speakers Remotely

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The Vice President for Planning and Development, Scientific Research and Quality Affairs, Professor Samer Samarah, sponsored the launch of the APSOL platform, which is designed by the Language Center at the University to teach Arabic language to non-native speakers and train them on its skills remotely. Samarah said that the launch of this platform comes as an embodiment of the mission of Yarmouk University, which is derived from the vision of whole country led by His Majesty the King, concerning teaching and promoting Arabic language as the nation’s identity, the depth of its culture, and the vessel of its thoughts and civilization. He then added that the Center always seeks to expand its programs and plans with regard to teaching Arabic language for non-native speakers and providing access to students and everyone who wishes to learn it from different countries, which demands for the Language Centre’s cooperation with the centers of "Computer and Information, E-Learning and Open Learning Resources".

For her part, the Director of the Language Center, Dr. Rana Kandeel, confirmed that the platform came with the aim of developing vocabulary, listening and speaking skills, and teaching how to create digital content. She stated: "A team of university professors specialized in the field of teaching Arabic language for non-native speakers will supervise and teach through this platform, pointing out that this platform is pioneering and promising in terms of receiving international students to study remotely". Kandeel also pointed out that the registration on this platform is available through a special link found on the official account of the Language Center on the University's website. It is noteworthy that the Language Center at Yarmouk University enjoys a global and historical reputation of more than four decades in the field of teaching Arabic language for non-native speakers, and it is linked through international agreements with many international academic institutions. Here is the link to register on the APSOL platform:


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