The Board of Trustees of Yarmouk University decided to approve the foundations and fees for the programs and courses of the Arabic Program for Speakers of Other Languages (APSOL) at the Language Center. The Board decided that the program will be organized in hours, levels, and semesters, including nine levels at a rate of 80 hours per month and taught face-to-face or online. The Board also decided to grant the academic institutions and bodies that have agreements with the University a reduction in fees, beside exempting international professors and students who provide free services to the University from paying fees. Moreover, the Board decided to provide educational and training courses based on the type of courses and the number of students and participants.
It is noteworthy that the Language Center recently updated the APSOL for the purpose of attracting more international students, as new paper and electronic curricula got used in the teaching process relying on international frameworks. Such curricula are equipped with modern, electronic teaching and learning media that support learning and enhance students’ proficiency in linguistic, cultural, and communicative skills.