The Pioneering Hackathon Concludes with the Participation of 70 Students from Jordan, Algeria, and Germany

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The Leadership and Innovation Center at Yarmouk University concluded the pioneering hackathon activities entitled "Using Technology in Environmentally Friendly Solutions" within the "SAXEED.ECO" project supported by the German Agency for Academic Exchange Services / DAAD. This hackathon came with the participation of more than 70 male and female students from the universities of Germany Chemnitz, Abdel Hamid bin Badis Mostaganem in Algeria, as well as the universities of Yarmouk and Science and Technology from Jordan.

The hackathon, which was held over a week at Yarmouk University, was based on two main axes. The first emphasized on training and preparing participating students on the principles of leadership and innovation, such as the principles of business model, design thinking, presentation skills and ideas, and digital transformation. It also emphasized on the role of Yarmouk University in sponsoring students and academics in the field of leadership and innovation. The second axis, the stage of competition and presentation of ideas after the completion of the training and preparation stage, included a committee consisting of 6 experts from all participating universities and the private sector. 24 teams from the various participating universities were qualified to participate, and each team was allocated 5 minutes to present ideas and 5 minutes to answer the committee's questions.

Interestingly, Yarmouk University students, Muhammad Al-Rashdan, Ammar Muhanna, and Ammar Al-Momani from the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science, won the first place in the competition. Also, the student team consisting of Hazem Shatnawi, Nuran Al-Saqer, and Hassan Abu Sreis from Al-Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology won the second place. As for the third place, it was for the student Zakaria Bani Doumi from the University of Science and Technology for his project in the field of hydroponics.

The President of the University, Professor Islam Massad, expressed his pride in such achievements, as they reflect the academic and cognitive excellence of Yarmouk students at the local, regional, and international levels. He added that Yarmouk University attaches great importance to supporting its students in all academic disciplines and encouraging them to participate and engage in scientific events and activities.

For his part, the Director of the Leadership and Innovation Center, Dr. “Mohammed Ashraf” Al-Otoom, praised the remarkable distinction of Yarmouk students who participated in the competition, acknowledging their pioneering and innovative projects that can be transformed into tangible and innovative products to meet the needs of the society and solve contemporary challenges and problems.

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