Supervised by Dr. Nada Al-Nasser, "A Doctor against his will” by Molière was performed by several students of the department of Modern Languages on the stage of Arar Amphitheater at the University. Explaining that the play is one of the French masterpieces of the seventeenth century, Al-Nasser acknowledged the efforts made by students to perform the play despite the difficulty of pronouncing and memorizing its diction, which reflects the distinguished academic level of students and their mastery of French. She also pointed out that the play belongs to the genre of satirical comedy and was performed for the first time in 1666 on the stage of the Royal Palace in France. Noteworthy is that the performance was attended by the head of the Drama Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dr. Bilal Thiabat, several faculty members, and a crowd of students and their families.

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