Graduation of Students of Arabic as a Foreign Language program

تخريج طلبة برنامج اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها باليرموك2

The President of YU, Dr. Zeidan Kafafi, sponsored the graduation ceremony of the Arabic as a Foreign Language program offered by the Languages Center.

Kafafi congratulated the graduates and emphasized that the graduates are now part of the YU family who will represent it wherever they go. He also expressed his hope that the students have achieved the goals they joined the program for, which include learning Arabic and knowing the Jordanian people and culture. The president also stressed on the keenness of YU to provide all possible means to ensure that students from different foreign and Islamic countries benefit from the program.

The graduating students thanked YU for the attention paid to them while studying at the center, and thanked the Languages center's administration for providing them with the qualified instructors, language labs, and extra-curricular activities that contributed to their integration with other students on campus and with the local community. Students added that the program provided them with the opportunity to learn about the history of Jordan by visiting historical and touristic sights, and they spoke of the reasons that encouraged them to choose the languages Center at YU to learn Arabic.

During the ceremony, a short film was presented on the extracurricular activities the students participated in during their study, in addition to some folklore performances that reflected the different cultures of the participating students.

At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Kafafi gave the completion certificates to the 32 students from the USA, France, Spain, Australia, Belgium, Turkey, China, Malaysia, Romania, Singapore, and Korea.

It is noteworthy to mention that the languages center has 150 students from several foreign and Islamic Countries studying Arabic.

تخريج طلبة برنامج اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها باليرموك4



تخريج طلبة برنامج اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها باليرموك1

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