"A Journey around the World ": A Cultural Activity for International Students in Yarmouk


Dr. Amal Nseir, dean of Students' Affairs at YU, sponsored a cultural activity entitled "A Journey around the World", organized by Students’ Care Department at the deanship of Students Affairs, in which Arab and foreign students studying in Yarmouk participated.

The activity was about a flight full of passengers heading to several countries around the world, and the opportunities that passengers have, when landing on each country, to learn about the country’s culture and heritage.

Students from Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Indonesia and the United States of America featured cultural and art performances that included traditional songs, folk dances with traditional costumes, and poems.

Nseir praised the international students’ creativity in transferring their countries’ heritage and culture to Yarmouk students, and stressed their integration with the university community and the importance of fostering their creativity and talents.

The activity was attended by the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dr. Wael Al Rashdan; assistant dean of Students Affairs, Dr. Mohammed Alawneh; director of Students' Care Department, Mr. Marwan Tayfur; faculty members from the faculty of Fine Arts; officials from the deanship and university students.

It is worth noting that the number of international students at Yarmouk is 2600 from 43 Arab and foreign countries.

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