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Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Yarmouk University and Nantes University



Aiming at establishing a framework for student exchange between the two universities during the academic year 2019-2020, Yarmouk University has signed a scientific cooperation agreement with the University of Nantes. According to the agreement, Nantes will receive two students of French language from Yarmouk University for one semester, beginning in September 2019. The French embassy will pay the university fees for candidates, and two courses will be credited for the students. In return, Yarmouk University should host two Master students from Nantes and provide them with the opportunity to train students of the Department of Modern Languages. The agreement also includes items for the exchange of professors and researchers between the two sides and participation in conferences and seminars held by both universities.

The President of Yarmouk University, Prof. Zeidan Kafafi, praised the support provided by the French Embassy in Amman to Yarmouk University through strengthening its academic relations with the French educational institutions like Nantes University. According to Prof. Kafafi, such a strategy offers Yarmouk students the opportunities to complete their higher studies and the faculty members to vary out academic visits, thus enabling them to access the expertise and knowledge of other universities in various disciplines. He also emphasized his support for any initiative that would serve the dissemination of French culture and language in the Jordanian society, considering that he holds the Order Knight of the French government.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Yarmouk, Dr. Mohamed Bani Doumi, explained that the French Embassy has reduced the registration fees for the international Delf examination at all levels to Yarmouk University students, which confirms the depth of the cooperation between Yarmouk University and the French Embassy. He ​also ​pointed out that the signing of this agreement will provide the students of the Department of Modern Languages at Yarmouk with the opportunity to study at Nantes and improve their skills and knowledge in the field of the French language. He praised the efforts of the Department of Modern Languages, which is constantly seeking to strengthen its academic relations with the various international educational institutions that provide training and educational opportunities for its students.

The preparation of scientific competencies in various fields of knowledge, and the production of innovative scientific research aims to serve society by providing exemplary education in an intellectually stimulating university environment.

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