Yarmouk displays the Jordanian film "Theeb" at Yarmouk


WhatsApp Image 2019 07 31 at 9.28.29 PM

Within the activities of the first summer cultural season of the library of Hussein bin Talal at Yarmouk University, supported by the Jordan Kuwait Bank, the library, in cooperation with the Royal Film Commission, screened the Jordanian film "Theeb" directed by Naji Abu Nawar, at 8:00 pm. The event was attended by a large crowd of members of the academic and administrative bodies, and students.

Prof.  Zaidan Kafafi, the President of the University, praised the efforts of the staff of the activities of the first summer cultural season of the library, stressing the importance of holding such diverse literary, cultural, and artistic events, which stimulate the minds of university students, develop their skills, and enrich their cultural outcome. He also mentioned that such events establish the principle of effective partnership between the university and various National institutions.

Noteworthy mentioning here that Theeb, a Jordanian film released in 2014, tells the story of a Bedouin boy wandering in the desert of Wadi Rum and seeking to survive his life. It takes place in the second decade of the twentieth century, during the Great Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. The film seeks to identify the joints of Bedouin life, charm, the risks, hardship and manifestations of masculinity. The film achieved a qualitative leap in the Jordanian cinema by reaching the Oscar nominations as the first film of the young director and being nominated for the Academy Award for 2016 for the best foreign language film.  

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