Hosting Professor Owais's Online Lecture on the Use of Technology in Education


The former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, prof. Wajeeh Owais delivered an online lecture titled "From the Heart of the Event: The Use of Technology in Education", about the usage of technology in education. He stated that despite the controversy about the competence of online learning, Jordan has proved its ability to deploy technology to continue its educational mission during coronavirus and similar emergent circumstances.  Prof. Owais pointed out that His Majesty King Abdullah II's instructions regarding instituting a modern Jordanian educational system have always been clear and encouraging, thus providing educational institutions with the necessary guidelines to qualify students to compete in the world market. He added that His Majesty decreed for the formation of a committee of human resources development concerning e-learning and that that committee was formulated accordingly, held more than one meeting, and submitted its recommendations and suggestions to the Council of Ministers. Towards the end of his speech, Prof. Owais expressed his thanks to the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Amal Nsair, for her interaction with events and her constant quest to hold such online meetings that discuss important topics directly related to students' service.

In her turn, Nsair said that the deanship of students affairs continues its online programs and activities that aim at communicating with university students during the Coronavirus crisis. Finally, she expressed her thanks to Prof. Wajeeh Owais for his response to the call of the Deanship to talk about an important topic that is of interest to the entire Jordanian community.

The preparation of scientific competencies in various fields of knowledge, and the production of innovative scientific research aims to serve society by providing exemplary education in an intellectually stimulating university environment.

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