Strategic Plan

96 service and the concept of citizenship. Directing scientific research, master's theses and doctoral dissertations to include solutions to the problems of the local community 1/6/2016 31/12/2020 Distinguished scientific production. Vice President for Academic Affairs Faculties Deans Dean of Scientific Research Heads of Departments Evidence of including the problems of the community in scientific research (the number of theses and research on different areas in Jordan) annually. Amendment of the promotion instructions so that faculty members are evaluated according to their role in community service. 1/6/2016 1/7/2016 New promotion instructions. The President of the University Council of Deans Approving modified promotion instructions. Axis: Strengthening The Financial Position Of The University Strategic objective: Strengthening the financial position of the university to be able to perform its functions and roles according to its strategic plans, and achieving full financial and administrative independence, which allows excellence and creativity in its outcomes. Sub-objectives Operational activities Time frame Outcome In-charge entity Achievement’s Indicator From To Strengthening the financial position of the university and Activating the investment volume in the investment and savings fund by selling and buying. 2016 2020 Increasing in the volume of self-income through Investment and Savings Fund. The Presidency of the University Investment Fund Board Increase in investment fund revenues by 10% per annum.