Strategic Plan

72 Announcing the opportunities for distinguished students, initiators, entrepreneurs and innovators. 1/9/ 2016 31/12/ 2020 Advertisement s in the media, students' affairs, faculties and on the university’s website. Deanship of Student Affairs; Faculties Deans; Heads of academic departments; Public Relations Department. 1. The number of advertisements for support opportunities for distinguished students, innovators and initiators. 2. The number of distinguished students who have been attracted and their indicators of excellence. 3. The number of beneficiaries from the support for creators, innovators, talented and entrepreneurs students. 4. The number of student initiatives at the faculty and university levels Providing high quality services for students. Conducting activities and courses in oral and written communication skills at the faculty and university levels. 1/6/ 2016 31/12/ 2020 At least five activities and courses per year in oral and written communicatio Deanship of Student Affairs; All faculties And academic departments; The number of activities and courses in communication skills at the faculty and university