Strategic Plan

70 and Organizational Structure. 2. Number of beneficiaries of the Office. Adopting distinguished and supporting innovative students. Developing legislations to attract distinguished students and advertis the legislations for them. 1/6/ 2016 31/12/ 2016 1. Instructions and legislations for distinguished students. 2. Advertising to attract distinguished students. 3. Increase the number of distinguished students at the university. 4. Maximize the University's reputation as an incubator for distinguished students. Board of Trustees; University Council; Deans Council; Vice President for Academic Affairs; Public Relations Department; Admission and Registration Department. 1. The approval and the number of legislations that have been developed to attract distinguished students. 2. The number of ads to attract distinguished students. 3. The number of distinguished students who have been attracted and the diversity of their fields of excellence. 4. The indicator of media of Yarmouk University as an incubator university for distinguished students. Develop legislation to support creative students in extracurricular activities. 1/6/ 2016 31/12/ 2016 1. The instructions and principles for Board of Trustees; University Council; The number of legislations developed to support creative