Strategic Plan

20 Strategic Goals To achieve the University's vision and mission, the following strategic objectives were identified: 1. Completing the development of the university towards the comprehensive university concept, in line with the mission of the university and its objectives, and the needs of the local, regional and global markets, and the requirements of sustainable development. 2. Preparing highly qualified graduates, scientifically and practically, with the capacity to produce knowledge and to compete in the labor market and contributes effectively to the development of society. 3. Promoting scientific research in the university to meet international standards. 4. Preparing a graduate student with national sense and loyalty to be an active and productive member in the society. S/He possesses applied skills, knowledge, cognitive sciences, communication skills and written and oral skills to ensure his/her readiness for the labor market. 5. Achieving excellence in the educational process, raising the level of its outputs to meet the needs of the local community, paying attention to the quality of scientific research at the university, and excellence in the level of accuracy and transparency in the administrative work. 6. Strengthening external relations with universities and international scientific centers, and exchanging expertise in order to realize the values of internationalization in the university's current journey and its vision for the future. 7. Developing both the academic and administrative staff at the university and qualifying them by meeting their needs of continuous education and training, in light of the internal and external environment variables, given that the human element is the cornerstone for development. 8. Developing the administrative staff at the university. 9. Enhancing the level of sustainable partnership between the university and community institutions to ensure delivering the message of the university. 10. Supporting the financial situation of the university to be able to perform its functions and roles according to its strategic plans, and achieve full financial and administrative independence, which allows the university to achieve excellence and creativity in its outputs.