Strategic Plan

18 Analyzing the University's current reality (strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities) Strengths • The strategic location of the University in the heart of Irbid, the second largest community in the Kingdom. • The university has qualified faculty members graduated from prestigious international universities. • The University has a wide network of academic and scientific relations with regional and international institutions and universities. • The University has a distinguished library, the largest in Jordan. The Library also has a center of excellence for providing databases for Jordanian universities’ members. • English is the language of instruction in many majors at the university. • The availability infrastructure such as: buildings, halls, laboratories, equipment, and educational facilities in most of the faculties. • The high quality of some university programs and the uniqueness of others. • Provides a good level of IT infrastructure. Weaknesses • Weak graduates in a number of majors. • The weakness of the university's connection with its alumni. • The poor alignment between the requirements of the labor market and the competencies of university graduates. • The University does not control the numbers and the quality of students admission. • The student's overall weakness in Arabic and English. • Poor practical training in most majors. • Weakness in keeping pace with the development of teaching methods and modern teaching techniques and evaluation. • Decrease in number of library visitors. • Weak relationship between university and community. • The lack of clarity of the priorities of scientific research in the university, and the absence of the research plan at the university’s level and faculty’s level. • The absence of strategic planning at the faculty’s level. • Lack of a long-term plan to provide high qualified faculty members. • Lack of incentive system to encourage creativity and innovation.