Strategic Plan

14 Strategic Plan Approach The strategic plan of Yarmouk University was prepared according to the national plan: The center of the development of higher education, scientific research and creativity, the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, and an fulfillment of the university vision and mission. The internal and external working conditions of the University and its environment have been reviewed and analyzed to identify the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then, the strategic factors of the plan, the strategic goals and objectives were determined, the operational procedures necessary to achieve these goals were also identified. The gap between the goals desired to be achieved and the results of analysis of the external and internal environment was analyzed, in order to determine what is required for the process of developing the university. The following steps have been taken in preparing the plan: • Forming a committee to prepare the strategic plan. The committee consists of the university president as a head and the membership of the vice president for academic affairs, in addition to five faculty members who are recognized for their experience, competence and knowledge in the strategic planning affairs of higher education. • Collecting data about various university affairs and analyzing the real situation of faculties, departments and centers • Analyzing the internal and external working conditions of the University and its environment, to identify weaknesses and strengths, opportunities and challenges. • Identifying the strategic plan factors • Determining the structure of the strategic plan • Agreement on the initial formulations of the University's vision, mission, goals and strategic objectives • Analyzing the gap between the goals desired to be achieved and the results of analyzing the external and internal environment.