Strategic Plan

13 Yarmouk FM Radio: The Radio was stablished in 2006 in collaboration with the University of Western Kentucky and the Inter News Network of America. Yarmouk FM was officially inaugurated on 18/2/2007 under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah. The purposes of the Radio include serving the local community and giving opportunities for students specialized in Media in particular and students from other majors in general. This would give the students the chance to gain practical experience by fully relying on students in the preparation of daily and weekly programs and presenting them live. Yarmouk University Mosque : The Mosque is located on campus. The mosque and its staff are affiliated with the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies, which supervise the mosque in terms of prayers, Friday and Eid sermons. In addition, the Mosque holds religious sessions during the holy month of Ramadan and other religious events. Restaurants : The University has several cafeterias on campus to provide meals and refreshments at affordable prices. Banks : The University, in cooperation with Amman Cairo Bank, provides banking services to the faculty, staff and students through two branches of the bank on campus. ATMs are also available for Amman Cairo Bank, Audi Bank and the Islamic Bank. Campus Market: Provides merchandise and materials and essential needs for students Yarmouk Mall : an investment market consists of three floors and (66) stores. Yarmouk University Health Center : The Center is located on campus and was established in 1995 to provide medical and health services to university employees, beneficiaries and students. An agreement was signed between the Ministry of Health and Yarmouk University for this purpose.